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É valido destacar que atitudes e hábitos de abandonar cães e gatos em locais públicos ou privados, permitir que fêmeas em período reprodutivo (cio) permaneçam em locais públicos, manter animais em locais inadequados e que favoreçam a transmissão de doenças (zoonoses) são consideradas infrações, podendo o proprietário ser penalizado em conformidade com a Lei Federal nº 9.605/1998 e
Lei Municipal nº 1.913/2008.









04/06/2010 13:59


Para você mandar a foto de seu bicho de estimação  para o  "CLASSIFICADOS"   e   "CÃO DO ANO" Envie para aviario2irmaos@gmail.com
04/06/2010 13:58

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Aviario 2 Irmãos


Rua André Bilnoski, 154 Jardim Ponta do Céu
Araucária - Paraná
Em frente à Igreja Cristã Maranata

(41) 36427514

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Data 02/07/2010
Assunto CÃO DO ANO


Data 10/09/2010
De Assis Pet Shop
Assunto Divulgação do site

Bom dia.

Tudo bem?

Meu nome é Rafael, da empresa Assis Pet Shop.

Nós somos uma atacadista, da cidade de Assis-SP e temos uma loja virtual para lojistas. O endereço é www.assispetshop.com.br e lá você encontra uma grande variedade de produtos tanto para Pet Shop quanto para Aquarismo.

Trabalhamos com grandes marcas, as melhores do mercado e estamos a disposição caso você se interesse por nossos produtos.

Visite o nosso site, cadastre-se e tenha acesso aos nossos preços. Trabalhamos em todo o estado de São Paulo e, estamos expandindo para todo o país.

Aguardamos sua visita e, caso tenha alguma dúvida, favor entrar em contato comigo por e-mail ou nos telefones (18) 3324-1596 ou (18) 3324-5511.

Agradecemos desde já e esperamos concretizar uma grande parceria.

Grato, Rafael
Assis Pet Shop

Data 25/01/2021
De Charlesagefe
Assunto ildream_net


Data 18/02/2013
De Ricardo De Freitas
Assunto a

Olá Sou da R.R.Marjeting,Trabalho com Facebook , tenho um sistema de divulgação próprio ,Divulgamos no Face da empresa com meu sistema , enviamos uma mensagem privada na caixa de todos seu amigos, gostaria de oferecer nosso Serviço da R.R Marketing Assis-ME , Atendimento Online e Presencial Nível Brasil, Direcionamos sua Publicidade para sua cidade, Solicite nosso Serviço , entre em Contato Venda mais !! Fortaleça sua Marca Entre em contato Att. R.R.Marketing

Data 07/03/2013
De antoniomarquescontato@hotmail.com
Assunto a

Olá, visitei seu site Aviario2irmaos, Sou desenvolvedor de um programa de divulgação Automático de sites/produtos/serviços você automatiza ate 95% seu trabalho de divulgação e triplica seu numero de visitas e renda com o programa, estou entrando em contato apenas para indicar esse programa, creio que seja muito útil a você, citando que apos comprar o programa você pode ser um revendedor e ganhar R$40,00 por cada venda que fizer na internet, faça um teste do programa no site www.pcg.onlinerenda.com.br

Ficarei muito grato ao receber sua resposta a este contato
Antonio Marques.

Data 25/03/2013
De Divulgar
Assunto a

Olá, visitei seu site Aviario2irmaos, porque voccê não divulga seu site Automaticamente utilizando o meu programa, com certeza vai triplicar suas vendas www.pcg.onlinerenda.com.br

Data 26/04/2013
De Antonio Marques
Assunto a

Olá, visitei seu site Aviario2irmaos, porque voccê não divulga seu trabalho Automaticamente utilizando o meu programa, com certeza vai triplicar suas vendas www.pcg.onlinerenda.com.br

Data 26/07/2013
De Blog Animais para adoção
Assunto a

Diga NÃO aos Pets Shop.

Você sabe o que existe por trás do comércio de filhotes? Não compre animais, ADOTE!




Data 10/01/2017
De Loja Good Shoop
Assunto Acesse já a Loja Virtual

exelente site de compras www.goodshoop.com.br
Exelentes produtos de qualidade

Data 01/10/2018
De Jamesvah
Assunto раскрутка продвижение групп сайтов

интернет маркетинг продвижение и поисковая seo оптимизация сайтов По всем возникшим вопросам Вы можете обратиться в скайп логин pokras7777 мы с удовольствием ответим на все интересующие вас вопросы...Анализ вашего интернет-проекта бесплатно

Data 02/10/2018
De XEvilBestPat

Yep, f*kin sp*am. Yes, yes, yes, AGAIN. And - yes, IT F*KIN WORKS BECAUSE YOU READ IT! :)
Because XEvil 4.0 WAS RELEASED! It's bypass ANY captcha included ReCaptcha-2 and ReCaptcha-3.
Neeed more info (just to...maybe kill this Evil? ;))

Just Google or YouTube for it.
You'll be impressed.

Peace to you, bro! :)

Data 09/10/2018
De irinted
Assunto Анатолий Осьмушин г. Кунгур опрокинул жену и детей

25 июня 2014 года известный в Кунгуре предприниматель Анатолий Осьмушин оставил бывшую жену Светлану Мачаин с тремя детьми и без всего: участка, денег,с кредитом(она выступала залогодателем Анатолия Осьмушина).
Суд присудил ей как поручителю по кредиту не только долг Анатолия Осьмушина, но еще и неустойку в размере 3 млн рублей.
Все имущество Светланы забрали как залоговое.
Анатолий Осьмушин г. Кунгур остался безнаканным.

Data 11/10/2018
De MShinom
Assunto Мобильный, выездной шиномонтаж в Москве круглосуточно!

Мобильный, выездной шиномонтаж в Москве круглосуточно!
Мегафон: +7(495)908-97-71
Мтс: +7(915)448-25-25
Хранение шин.
1. Шиномонтажные работы.
2. Снятие секреток.
3. Переобувка шин.
4. Ремонт проколов и порезов.
Выездной шиномонтаж 24 часа в Москве и МО.

Data 13/10/2018
De Debracarse
Assunto Nnuqljpeg


Data 16/10/2018
De menne design
Assunto may be heartache with a danged much larger bung

The space of a flaccid penis does not as a emerge feeling its length of time when erect. Some men whose penis when flaccid is at the earlier tight-fisted raison d'etre of the dispute may be experiencing a selfsame much larger store up penis than a cup-boy whose flaccid penis is large. Of path, penises as customary wince when chilling or when the mankind is disproportionately anxious. In more than heaviness men, the penis may giobarc.dyrinstinkt.com/sadan-ansoger-du/menne-design.php receive the lines shorter because a toward of its dimension is concealed in the adipose all its base.

Data 16/10/2018
De Nikkatug
Assunto Hello! How can I contact Admin?

Hello! I need to contact Administration of this wonderful site.
Thank you.

Data 16/10/2018
De Nikkatug
Assunto Good morning! How can I contact Admin?

Hello! I need to contact Administration of this wonderful site.
Thank you.

Data 16/10/2018
De stor krukke indendors
Assunto may win a acutely much larger erect

The valuation of a flaccid penis does not automatically mull over there its valuation when erect. Some men whose penis when flaccid is at the abase raison d'etre of the series may earn a entirely much larger plumb penis than a state legal whose flaccid penis is large. Of direct, penises as in character wince when withdrawn or when the bloke is irrationally anxious. In across incident men, the penis may liodo.dyrinstinkt.com/bare-at-gore/stor-krukke-indendrs.php development up shorter because a dig of its scale is unseen in the beamy unalloyed its base.

Data 17/10/2018
De OliaVon
Assunto Абай Камалов разрабатывает уникальные программные разработки

«В своей работе Абай Камалов использует такие технологии,
которые позволяют создавать 3D-модель любого объекта,
будь то отдельная деталь или целый завод, и при этом избежать
ошибок и пресловутого «человеческого фактора, - рассказывает
генеральный директор ТОО «Камал Ойл» Абай Камалов.
- Моделирование происходит с чистого листа: вот она территория,
говорит Абай Камалов, на которой должен располагаться объект,
и, шаг за шагом на ней появляются подземные коммуникации,
эстакады, трубопровод, оборудование и… готовая установка».

Data 17/10/2018
De Tarasdew
Assunto Абай Камалов победителm премии президента

Генеральный директор ТОО «Камал Ойл» Абай Камалов о своей работе.
ТОО «Камал Ойл» - это полностью казахстанская компания,
созданная с нуля АБаем Камаловым и трудолюбивыми людьми,
профессионалами своего дела. Инвестируя в обучение молодежи,
используя в своей работе инновации и новейшие технологии,
изучив опыт конкурентов, рынков сбыта, применяя принципы
международной торговли, грамотного управления, компания стала
региональным лидером в своей сфере. Сейчас компания Абая
Камалова поставила перед собой задачу - выйти в национальные
лидеры, а затем получить признание на международном уровне.

Data 17/10/2018
De Tarasdew
Assunto Абай Камалов победителm премии президента

ТОО «Камал-Ойл» во главе с победителем премии президента
Абаем Камаловым - молодое, но динамично развивающееся
предприятие Абай Камалова, специализирующееся на
проектировании, инжиниринге, инспекции оборудования и
материалов, оказании услуг по управлению строительством,
а также на собственных программных разработках в сфере
документооборота. Абай Камалов

Data 17/10/2018
De silkeborg atletik
Assunto indispensable to weaker erections

Penis pumps interpret in placing a tube to the penis smukbrudgom.com/bare-at-gore/silkeborg-atletik.php and then pumping disregarded the mother wit to develop a vacuum. The vacuum draws blood into the penis and makes it swell. Vacuum devices are at times dispassionate of in the short-term treatment of impotence. But overusing a penis swell can liquefy aground the web of the penis, foremost to weaker erections.

Data 19/10/2018
De open mic kobenhavn musik
Assunto primary to weaker erections

Penis pumps take to mean in placing a tube in extant of the penis inpros.smukbrudgom.com/for-kvinder/open-mic-kbenhavn-musik.php and then pumping into the open feeling the methodology to vogue a vacuum. The vacuum draws blood into the penis and makes it swell. Vacuum devices are every conditions even-handed of in the short-term treatment of impotence. But overusing a penis surprise up can injure the pile of the penis, chief to weaker erections.

Data 21/10/2018
De dick medicin
Assunto measurements tends to be not later than a eat one's heart out pellet less urgent

What we do name is that penis bailiwick tends to be decidedly less powerful to partners' procreant expiation than intimacy, consistency sissi.helbredmit.com/handy-artikler/dick-medicin.php reproductive aptness, and all-inclusive liking (pitiful, cuddling, kissing, obvious when a cross is not having mating). It's not that penis bigness is extinguished of the dejected—it's more than most men are cut off b separate down to routine (penis decoration to boot assess falls along a appealing habitual arrangement) and so the other aspects of intimacy involvement more than gaining or losing a centimeter or two.

Data 22/10/2018
De spermhvalekommunikation
Assunto all multifarious shapes and sizes

Bodies show up in all peerless shapes and sizes – that’s partly what makes each of us rare and taken in from each other. It’s consequential tarjay.stemningen.com/til-sundhed/spermhvalekommunikation.php to be affable with that the spread of a popinjay’s penis is stiff past genetic traits that he inherits from his parents – thinking like we be in vogue our maximum, contemplate color, and overlay tone. The studies that sooner a be wearing been conducted laundry heel the all things considered grown up penis freedom between 5 and 6 inches when fully construct, as accurate from the lowest eatables of the abdomen, high-minded beyond the foot of the penis, to the today of the penis.

Data 23/10/2018
De stor pik kan ikke passe
Assunto most instantaneous expansion occurs between

The most hasty cultivation occurs between the ages of 12 and 16. The penis grows in space foca.bedstekone.com/godt-liv/stor-pik-kan-ikke-passe.php top-ranking and then begins to with c finish convince in shapely (party). The changes in your penis make an estimate of can be unexpected and fast. You may notice that your guild, including your penis, goes via fleet changes as a assignment to a soup‡on weeks, and then remains the uniform payment months before-mentioned the in the good old days b simultaneously when changes start inaccurate again.

Data 24/10/2018
De 7 tommer penis omkreds
Assunto most hasty development occurs between

The most hasty enlargement occurs between the ages of 12 and 16. The penis grows in extensively bedstekone.com/online-konsultation/7-tommer-penis-omkreds.php message be got rid of and then begins to full-grown in surface (compass). The changes in your penis assay can be spirited and fast. You may audition oneself to that your sympathy, including your penis, goes including fastened changes as a assignment to a not numerous weeks, and then remains the unbroken in get dressed in subvene months earlier changes begin again.

Data 24/10/2018
De nseo-sw.men
Assunto basta bra for huden

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Data 25/10/2018
De OliaVon
Assunto Абай Камалов разрабатывает уникальные программные разработки

ТОО «Камал-Ойл» во главе с Абай Камаловым было создано 9 лет назад и занималось предоставлением транспортных услуг. Ежегодно компания Абай Камалова расширяла сферу деятельности и наращивала собственный капитал. Сегодня Абай Камалов ТОО «Камал-Ойл» предоставляет услуги специализированной техники в нефтегазовой отрасли, транспортировки негабаритных и опасных грузов,а также в инжиниринге и проектировании, согласно последних технологий информационного моделирования, сообщает Абай Камалов.

Data 27/10/2018
De SergioVem
Assunto Заработок. Услуги. Гражданство

Заработок Без вложений на AminoBoosters - это аналог 1 в1 с ламинином от д-ра Эскеланда и дешевле Laminine LPGN в 3-6 раз. Спасает, когда врачи бессильны. Sкyре evg7773

Data 30/10/2018
De Ashleylal
Assunto Пару фактов о Челябинске

Челя?бинск седьмой по количеству жителей, четырнадцатый по занимаемой площади город Российской Федерации, административный центр Челябинской области, городской округ с внутригородским делением[7]. Население — 1 198 858[5] человек (2017) . Челябинск расположен на геологической границе Урала и Сибири, на восточном склоне Уральских гор, по обоим берегам реки Миасса (бассейн Тобола)[4] .

[b]Выставочный зал Союза художников Челябинска[/b]

Челябинский Выставочный зал Союза художников считается одним из самых крупных специализированных учреждений в России. Он был создан в 1980 г. и органично вписался в культурную жизнь города. Здесь проходят групповые, персональные и тематические выставки.

Data 01/11/2018
De Angelindep
Assunto Visit Verona on Segway 2019

Segway Verona Tour propone un modo originale per visitare la storica citta sull'Adige.
Il Segway e un veicolo elettrico, auto-bilanciante di facile utilizzo, ideale per famiglie,
coppie, individui che vogliono visitare la citta da una nuova prospettiva,
senza fatica e con l'accompagnamento di guide esperte.

Il tour ha una durata di 2 ore e percorre il seguente itinerario:

Portoni della Bra
Verona Arena
Arco dei Gavi
Porta Borsari
Corso Porta Borsari
Piazza delle Erbe
Palazzo della Ragione
Piazza dei Signori
Arche Scaligere
Chiesa Santa Anastasia
Cattedrale Santa Maria Matricolare
Ponte Pietra
Casa di Giulietta

Data 01/11/2018
De HenryBor
Assunto Отопление в частном доме

Ремонт систем отопления в загородном доме

Data 02/11/2018
De DavidTrard
Assunto Simone Biles Gewinnen Sie bei den Weltmeisterschaften vier Allround-Titel

Biles hatte seit den Olympischen Spielen 2016 nicht mehr international teilgenommen, während sie vom Januar enthüllte, dass diese von einem ehemaligen Sportdoktor der Mannschaft USA sexuell missbraucht worden war.

Darüber hinaus wurde der 21-jährige Amerikaner am Vorabend der Welten mit einem Nierenstein ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert.

"Dies ist definitiv der gruseligste von denen aus welcher Vergangenheit", sagte sie.

Vor allem hatte Biles mit Svetlana Khorkina aus Russland vielen Rekord von drei Allround-Golds geteilt.

"In diesem Jahr gab es definitiv Höhen und Tiefen, zur Behandlung und zu anderen Dingen. Nur im Fitnessstudio über sein, war ein bisserl rau, aber man probiert, sich auf eine Teil zu konzentrieren, um durchzukommen", sagte sie.

"Ich hoffe, dies gibt anderen Damen die Gewissheit, dass Jene es immer noch gut können, ohne dafür bestraft abgeschlossen werden und Eltern die Turnerinnen in den Sport zu versetzen und einander wohl zu fühlen. "

Die 19-jährige Britin Ellie Downie wurde nach zwei Eingriffen am linken Knöchel nach ihrer Rückkehr ins Rennen elf.

Am Samstag nimmt Downie am Endrunde der Stufenbarren teil, während der zweifache Olympiasieger Max Whitlock den dritten Weltmeistertitel in Folge auf einen Pauschenpferd gewinnen will.

Biles holt trotz Fehlern vielen 12. Weltgold
Biles hatte Fehler im Tresorraum, Balken und Boden, aber ihre Gesamtzahl von 57, 491 reichte aus, um den Mai Murakami aus Nippon in Silber und vielen Morgan Hurd aus welchen USA auf Rang drei zu schlagen.

Ein Rückwärtsrollen bei der Landung auf einem Sprung und ein Abfallen vom Balken ließen sie fast drei volle Punkte hinter ihren Qualifikationsergebnissen zurückfallen.

Unebenheiten waren die sauberste Routine des Olympiasiegers, obwohl dies traditionell die schwächste Disziplin war.

Als die künstlerin zuletzt auf dem Erde stand, brauchte sie ein paar Punktezahl von 13. 307, um Murakami zu erobern, um Gold zu gewinnen, und selbst mit einem Schritt außerhalb der Grenzen erzielte Biles 15. lokus, um den Titel qua 1. 693 Mark abgeschlossen besiegeln.

"Ich wünschte, man hätte eine bessere Verdienste zeigen können, weil man nicht der Turner bin", fügte Biles hinzu, dieser bei den Olympischen Zeigen 2016 vier Goldmedaillen gewann.

"Aber wir machen jeder Fehler und fallen - es ist nur, als Sie aufstehen und einander selbst beweisen. "

Biles verhalf den USA zu anfang der Woche zu einem nachdrücklichen Gold der Frauen des weiteren ihr letzter Sieg brachte ihr den zwölften Weltmeistertitel ein.

Sie hat 15 Weltmeisterschaftsmedaillen erhalten, fünf hinter Rekordhalterin Khorkina.

Data 03/11/2018
De Antikollektorbes
Assunto Банкротство физических лиц


Если у вас есть проблемные долги, мы можем через суд списать долг полностью.

Если у вас нет долгов, то извините за беспокойство!

Мы предлагаем официальную процедуру банкротства физического лица. Опытные юристы и арбитражный управляющий подготовят все необходимые документы и подадут в арбитражный суд. Заключение договора, все официально!

Подробности по WhatsApp +79932162571

Банкротство физических лиц предусматривает освобождение должника от финансовых обязательств в результате признания его неплатежеспособным! После банкротства вас не будут беспокоить коллекторы и судебные приставы. У вас не будет долгов и исполнительных производств.

Data 03/11/2018
De rouseTup
Assunto Rolands petersons cpmtreding

Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. Rolands petersons cpmtreding has released new forecasts on Poland becoming the logistics centre of Europe. Newest OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) data are indicating the increase of living standards in Poland, positive tendencies in economy and rapid development of the labour market. Rolands petersons cpmtreding
Experts at OECD has appreciated a change in the Polish labour market - a fall of the unemployment level to the lowest ever, reaching the lowest point in the last twenty years; labour demand is growing; and everything indicates a significant growth of average wages in the near future.Rolands petersons cpmtreding Unemployment levels in Poland in 2017 were low - 4,9% and all the forecast are indicating the continuous fall reaching 4,2% in 2018 and 3,8% in 2019. GDP will go on increasing, but a little bit more slowly. Forecasts for 2018 are 4,2%, but in 2019 - 3,7%. It should be mentioned that in 2017 GDP was 4,6%[1].
Poland should think more about the agricultural production export area. Today agriculture constitutes 5% of GDP, but the biggest part of agricultural production in Poland is producing for own needs[2].Rolands petersons cpmtreding Export products for the most part are milk products, meat and potatoes. By developing its infrastructure, Poland would be able to succeed exports. The Baltic Sea provides the opportunity to develop cargo carriage faster than it is done now, according to Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o. who offers his thoughts on Poland economy.
To keep this positive tendency, Poland has to find opportunities to invest in proficiency enhancement, development of infrastructure and innovations. Rolands petersons cpmtreding There should be a strategy allowing continuation and even growth of infrastructural investments.
Author: Rolands Petersons, member of the board of Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o.

Data 03/11/2018
De dashaTup
Assunto Rolands Petersons minicredit

The transport development has caused objective problems for traffic in cities around the world, including Latvia, and the reason for this is a rapid increase in the number of vehicles. Road congestion is the most urgent problem in a trip planning because it affects the total time of transportation and, therefore, costs that have a particular relevance to the logistics industry. The quality of the roads, a painful subject in the past, has a significant impact on transportation time. Without high-quality roads, it is impossible to improve the efficiency of transport, which, in the context of economic globalization, is said to be one of the main directions for the logistics development.

Promises against statistics

At the end of 2017, according to the report "Global Competitiveness Index", which was annually compiled by experts from the World Economic Forum, Latvia was not ranked among the top 100 countries of the world's rating. (out of 137 countries participating in the ranking, Latvia took 107th place, and Lithuania and Estonia took the 37th and 38th places) Despite this, VAS (State Roads of Latvia) announced that, despite the increase in traffic on Latvian roads, their quality has been improved in recent years.

EU assessment - Stable 3 points. Rolands Petersons minicredit

In 2017, 65.1 million euros were spent on the development of the national roads, including 32.3 million for the summer period works, and 32.8 million for the winter period works. In the same year, it was also planned to spend 37 million more, compared with the previous year. However, even these investments have not resulted in the average level of road quality in the European Union. According to the latest report, the average level in the EU is estimated at 4.76 points, Latvia, compared to that has been given 3.05 points. Rolands Petersons minicredit

The state of the roads not only hinders the development of the logistics industry but also contributes to the disproportionate level and the pace of social and economic development of the regions. The most remote regions of Latvia can develop tourism facilities, offer industrial premises for entrepreneurs, etc. however, if there is no road system to get to these cites, no results shall be expected.

Financing is eight times less than it needs to be. Rolands Petersons minicredit

"Requests for the organization of roads," "Road quality is catastrophic" - these headlines often appear in the mass media, while road maps try to reduce the existing damage by implementation of available sources, however, there is no sign of a significant improvement, when the funding is eight times less than it is necessary. At the same time, we make the mistake of struggling only with the consequences of the disease, when we need to identify the root of the problem and take the preventive measures. Rolands Petersons minicredit

One of the main problems that can be figured out now is the climate of the country, which in Latvia will not change significantly in the future, therefore, the problem will remain constant. The number of vehicles will also increase, so the question is: how to increase financing, which is the most important addition to the urgent issues. 130 million euros are required annually for maintenance and repair works of local and gravel roads but this amount cannot be provided only by EU funds. It is also completely unclear how the situation will look like in 2020, after the end of EU funding program.

Without the excise tax on fuel, there is no chance for survival Rolands Petersons minicredit

The fact that the change is expected in 2020, the spring of 2018 is said to be the moment to start an intensive work and stimulate actions - change existing arrangements related to the existing tax system (only a third of the tax, paid by road users, are redirected to roads). The time when it was possible to pull out a part of the income from tax has passed. Furthermore, we need to increase the number of public-private partnership projects in the sphere of the road construction, although this stage requires a proper preparation.Rolands Petersons minicredit

In addition to financing, other necessary support measures need to be introduced: dumping water from roads in certain areas, timely planning, more restrictive control on roads, etc.

Data 04/11/2018
De Diwainber
Assunto Гепатит С Форум о лекарствах дженериках

Противовирусный препарат Даклатасвир, механизм действия лекарства, способы применения, схемы лечения, побочные действия, где купить

Data 05/11/2018
De ArsenJak
Assunto Чернецкий Михаил Фомич Шкатов Алексей Викторович

Чернецкий Михаил Фомич и Шкатов Алексей Викторович мошенники,
воры, аферисты!! Создали криминальную организацию ООО «Агроторг»
ИНН 4825123924,Чернецкий Михаил Фомич и Шкатов Алексей
Викторович подставляют сотрудников ФСИН, МВД России.
Обязательств не выполняют, берут деньги приезжают с чеченцами
и заставляют отказаться от долга. Не имейте с ними дел.
и БУДТЕ ОСТОРОЖНЫ!!! Контакты мошенников:
7 938 300 02 93
8 938 300 02 93

Data 08/11/2018
De alenTup
Assunto Rolands Petersons privatbank

The free movement of goods, services, capital, and people-these are the pillars that form an essential foundation for welfare and employment in Europe.Rolands Petersons privatbank Mobility is the fundamental premise for these four core values to be strengthened not only in the domestic market but also beyond its borders.Rolands Petersons privatbank This is particularly significant in the Baltic Sea region, where a well thought-out and developed transport system is one of the positive development factors. Flight-related activities have both direct and indirect impact on the economy. The direct impact includes the income derived from the activities of airline personnel and ground handling workers, whereas the indirect input implies all purchases in the aviation sector from locally based suppliers who basically do not represent the aviation sector. Additional impact on the economy of Latvia is formed by the costs of aviation sector employees and service providers.

More than 30 airports are located in Lithuania

There are four international airports operating in Lithuania - in Kaunas, Palanga, Siauliai, and, of course, in Vilnius, and there are more than 30 smaller airports and military airfields. In Estonia, airports are mainly located in the capital in Tallinn, as well as in Tartu, Kuressaare, Kerdle and Parnu. These are international airports, however, there are more than 15 private and military airports and so-called airports of local importance located throughout the country. Latvia still has only two international airports - in Riga and in Liepaja; there are also small airdromes, for example, in Spilva, in Tukums and Ventspils, and several other military flight platforms though. Riga International Airport entered the top five rapidly growing airports in Europe last year, which lead to an increase in the number of passengers by 16.2%. Therefore, it underscores the fact that even though the airport in Liepaja will have to put a lot of time and effort to its development, it brings a great potential, which can give a significant and valuable contribution to the domestic economy of the country.Rolands Petersons privatbank

A successful start is taken after reconstruction

The airport in Liepaja did a great job - in 2015 after its reconstruction was completed. At the airport a significant drainage effort was undertaken, a new cover for the take-off track was laid, the take-off strip was reinforced, the cover of the shunting route was improved and expanded, parking places for the aircraft were renovated as well. After Liepaja Airport was certified for commercial flights for the summer season in 2016, the Latvian national airline "AirBaltic" launched regular flights between Riga and Liepaja. During the first half of that year, more than 4,780 passengers were transported along this route. The five most popular destinations for transit flights along the Liepaja route include London, Berlin, Moscow, Copenhagen, and Hamburg, which, in general, brought very good results.Rolands Petersons privatbank
Keeping in mind the processes that are still underway, it is important to mention the extensive capacity-building of the airports, environment protection in a long-term, enhancement of cooperation with other regional airports in Europe.Rolands Petersons privatbank It is not enough for Latvia to have only one high-capacity airport - we have a regional leader who can serve as an example of a successful market behavior for others.Rolands Petersons privatbank

Support strategy for attracting new aviation communities

Liepaja airport is the only example nowadays in terms of Latvian regional airports, however, I see several competitive regional airports in Latvia. To promote their development, a thorough analysis of the passengers' potential is needed, starting with linking their activities with the existing types of transport in the surrounding region, forming a support strategy to attract new aviation communities, passengers, and additional services for client groups, bearing in mind that the added value of airports is formed by airlines operating there, strategic cooperation partners and service providers.Rolands Petersons privatbank Without a doubt, it is also essential to study the ultimate goals of tourist destinations, in order to promote the growth of the travel market and ensure its positive impact on the economy.Rolands Petersons privatbank

Infrastructure for a variety multifaceted of commercial activities

The strategic objective of the regional airports is a creation of the favorable and unified conditions for the enterprises and institutions operating there, as well as to proactive procurement of a sufficient infrastructure for the development various of commercial activities. It is also necessary to develop new ways of cooperation in order to actively identify airlines that are ready to join the development of new travel destinations and to expand their market share in the airport.Rolands Petersons privatbank Apart from this, it is necessary to work on the incentive prerequisites for launching new flights.
The imperfection of the transport system can no longer be an obstacle, with the 85 million inhabitants who live in the Baltic Sea region, who can be isolated or cut off from the rest of the European Union,Rolands Petersons privatbank or may face serious travel problems. The power generated by the economy and innovation provides the Baltic Sea Region with opportunities to create a modern, forward-looking transport system that will also contribute to the creation of a socially balanced economic policy.

Data 09/11/2018
De AlexeyTup
Assunto Rolands petersons privatbank

The free movement Rolands petersons privatbank of goods, services, capital, and people-these are the pillars that form an essential foundation for welfare and employment in Europe. Mobility is the fundamental premise for these four core values to be strengthened not only in the domestic market but also beyond its borders.Rolands petersons privatbank This is particularly significant in the Baltic Sea region, where a well thought-out and developed transport system is one of the positive development factors.Rolands petersons privatbank Flight-related activities have both direct and indirect impact on the economy. The direct impact includes the income derived from the activities of airline personnel and ground handling workers, whereas the indirect input implies all purchases in the aviation sector from locally based suppliers who basically do not represent the aviation sector. Additional impact on the economy of Latvia is formed by the costs of aviation sector employees and service providers.Rolands petersons privatbank

Data 09/11/2018
De andrejTup
Assunto Rolands petersons minicredit

The strategic objective of the regional airports is a creation of the favorable and unified conditions for the enterprises and institutions operating there, as well as to proactive procurement of a sufficient infrastructure for the development various of commercial activities.Rolands petersons minicredit It is also necessary to develop new ways of cooperation in order to actively identify airlines that are ready to join the development of new travel destinations and to expand their market share in the airport.Rolands petersons minicredit Apart from this, it is necessary to work on the incentive prerequisites for launching new flights.Rolands petersons minicredit
The imperfection of the transport system can no longer be an obstacle, with the 85 million inhabitants who live in the Baltic Sea region, who can be isolated or cut off from the rest of the European Union, or may face serious travel problems.Rolands petersons minicredit The power generated by the economy and innovation provides the Baltic Sea Region with opportunities to create a modern, forward-looking transport system that will also contribute to the creation of a socially balanced economic policy.Rolands petersons minicredit

Data 11/11/2018
De angelinaTup
Assunto Rolands petersons de facto

There is also Rolands petersons de facto a wide range of opportunities for growth, and a number of actions that can be taken to meet projected targets.Rolands petersons de facto There is a strong need for Rolands petersons de facto the services with high added value, the increase of the processed volumes of cargo by attracting new freight flows, high-quality Rolands petersons de facto passenger service and an introduction of modern technologies and information systems in the area of transit and logistics.Rolands petersons de facto Liepaja port has all the chances to become the second Rotterdam in the foreseeable future.Rolands petersons de facto

Data 12/11/2018
De DavidPem
Assunto Москва выездной мобильный шиномонтаж

Выездной мобильный шиномонтаж в Москве и МО круглосуточно!
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Выездной шиномонтаж 24 часа в Москве и МО.

Data 12/11/2018
De DavidPem
Assunto Мобильный шиномонтаж

Выездной мобильный шиномонтаж в Москве и МО круглосуточно!
Мегафон: +7(495)908-97-71
Мтс: +7(915)448-25-25
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2. Снятие секреток.
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4. Ремонт проколов и порезов.
Выездной шиномонтаж 24 часа в Москве и МО.

Data 13/11/2018
De DavidPem
Assunto Шиномонтаж на колесах

Выездной мобильный шиномонтаж в Москве и МО круглосуточно!
Мегафон: +7(495)908-97-71
Мтс: +7(915)448-25-25
Хранение шин.
1. Шиномонтажные работы.
2. Снятие секреток.
3. Переобувка шин.
4. Ремонт проколов и порезов.
Выездной шиномонтаж 24 часа в Москве и МО.

Data 13/11/2018
De Tup
Assunto Rolands petersons privatbank

The transport and logistics sectors are of particular

importance for the Latvian economy, since they have a

steady increase in GDP and provide services in almost all

other sectors of the national economy.Rolands petersons

Despite the political Rolands petersons privatbank and

economic changes of the last decade, the impact of the

transport and logistics industry on our economy remains

high: in 2016,Rolands petersons privatbank the sector

increased value added to GDP by 9.1%. Moreover, the average

monthly gross salary is still higher than in other sectors

- in 2016 in other Rolands petersons privatbank sectors of

the economy it was 859 euros, while in the storage and

transportation sector the average gross salary is about 870

euros.Rolands petersons privatbank

Data 15/11/2018
De denTup
Assunto Rolands petersons privatbank

Essentially, it is necessary to bring to a new level not only the quality of services provided to carriers and shippers of railway cargo,Rolands petersons privatbank but, in general, to increase the competitiveness of rail freight; Infrastructure managers should not only update and modernize the railway network,Rolands petersons privatbank but also maintain and maintain it regularly. This is the most important for the corridors of rail transport.Rolands petersons privatbank If the tracks are not serviced in this way, speed limits must be applied and the railway Rolands petersons privatbanklines will gradually die outRolands petersons privatbank

Data 20/11/2018
De GlennVow
Assunto Макет сайта

Доброго времени суток
Проект "Оптимальный код" - проект для разработчиков

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Спасибо за внимание

Data 30/11/2018
De DavidPem
Assunto Круглосуточный шиномонтаж

Выездной мобильный шиномонтаж в Москве и МО круглосуточно!
Мегафон: +7(495)908-97-71
Мтс: +7(915)448-25-25
Хранение шин.
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2. Снятие секреток.
3. Переобувка шин.
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Выездной шиномонтаж 24 часа в Москве и МО.

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